Unofficial Reply from the Universal Complaints Department

Thank you for your recent communication.

The universal complaints department
honours your unhappiness with the situation.

We welcome and understand upset, frustration and fury.
All emotions, really. They are such brilliant messengers.

We are writing to let you know
that interplanetary beings as well as those on the ground
are working very hard to create
experiences that bring benefit to All.

Please be patient with them and
with your beautiful self.

Perhaps, if you feel to, you might
search this moment for the gifts
our agents have hidden here.

You might have to search hard...
They can be crafty!

Please note the gifts may be for you or
one or more of your relations.

We are all related.

The whole of the Universe asks us to pass on
its absolute love to you. It knows how
wonderful you are. Truly.

And if you need further assistance, our agents are
all around you. Please feel free to ask.

Perhaps one of them would love to be of service.
Some are very good listeners.

In Peace,


Winter Joy

