Flowing with Life

Yoga when you want it.

Subscribe - The Yoga Library

A growing library of recordings of classes and special practices with Vishwam.
We invite you to pay what feels right for you.

“I Give, You Give, We all Receive.”
~ Padma Devi Sumananda

Discovering yoga with Vishwam has dynamically changed how I practice yoga and move through my life. His class is a unique combination of gentle and flowing movements, along with statements of great spiritual depth, as well as a refreshing dose of humor. It’s like yoga with a friend who just wants you to feel sooo good. It really works!

Having the flexibility of the yoga library, available anytime, has been a huge help to me.
— Andrea, British Columbia

Gift Economy

We all give in different ways. It seems to us that a healthy community supports all of its members. Here at Flowing with Life, we honour inherent dignity of Life Itself in all forms.

As an experiment, we’re offering our whole back catalogue of yoga classes on a donation basis. We do ask you to value the service and give what you feel it is worth with respect to your own budget.

How it Works

1) We ask you fill in our New Student Registration Form (just so we know about any health conditions we may need to discuss to help you have a safe and healthy experience).

2) You send in your gift contribution to support Flowing with Life and all those we support.

3) We send you the password to access the library for the current month. The password changes at the beginning of each month.

You can either

  • set up a monthly payment to receive the new password each month OR

  • contribute for a particular month to try it out and see if it’s for you.

Your membership includes the opportunity to join our Yoga Library Whatsapp group - to support and encourage each other in our practice.

Subscribe here

To complete your subscription, simply send your payment to

Flowing with Life
Mettle (bank name)
Or, if international, by Paypal.

And let us know when you’ve sent payment and we’ll send you the password.

And, for new students, please kindly fill in our:

Thank you!


We are all different. For some of us, a regular weekly yoga class at a certain time is perfect. And for others, it’s so much easier to enjoy a recorded class when it suits us.

The Yoga Library
Launched 22.02.2022

Subscribe to the Yoga Library and get access to the whole back catalogue of (now over 70!)
Gentle Heart Yoga
& Heart Flow Yoga classes
& special bonus videos

Vishwam Gurudas Heckert is the founder of Flowing with Life. He’s been practising Yoga for over 20 years, teaching for over a decade and training yoga teachers and heart meditation facilitators for over 5 years. His approach is warm, playful, gently challenging and deeply heart-centred.

If you have any questions about the classes, just let us know.